1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the mastodon.despise.computer moderators.

  1. No harassment. Don't harass people on this server or any others.
  2. No CSAM, revenge porn, etc. If this shows up in your feed because an account you follow on another server posted, boosted, or interacted with it, notify me immediately so that I can take action.
  3. If another server is targeting you for harassment, report it and I will de-federate them.
  4. This server does not de-federate without good cause. What that means is necessarily arbitrary, but it will always be a high bar for me to clear. You (generally) have the right of free association.
  5. All bots querying this instance need to have descriptive user agents. If your bot is getting blocked and you feel you have a descriptive user agent, contact me.
  6. If something is broken, report it ASAP